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  • Choose ingredients strategically to reduce food waste

Choose ingredients strategically to reduce food waste

  • If you’re making a recipe that calls for half an onion, try buying shallots instead! This way you can use just what you need without the leftover produce.
    Similarly, if you have a recipe that calls for 2 stalks of celery, try incorporating another recipe that week that uses celery (or make ants on a log for the kids!) or sub a different crunchy vegetable like a bell pepper if you know your family won’t use up all the celery.

Choose ingredients strategically to reduce food waste

  • Similarly, if you have a recipe that calls for 2 stalks of celery, try incorporating another recipe that week that uses celery (or make ants on a log for the kids!) or sub a different crunchy vegetable like a bell pepper if you know your family won’t use up all the celery.